Facebook faster then Granny-Grams

One of the people I looked forward to breaking the news to was definitely Eugene’s mom.
This is not her first grandchild but she suites the role of granny so well one would think she was born to do it.
Besides that telling her would guarantee peels of laughter and unparallel happiness, much like the reaction I got from Crystal.

Unfortunately My sisters ecstasy at the prospect of becoming and aunt was all of two minutes old before it hit facebook.
I have yet to see the comment but someone told me it was some less than trivial comment about her becoming an aunt.
Little did my vocal sister know that Eugene’s sister and mother would happen upon this post only minutes after this.
Both granny to be and Aunty Jacky, both being of sound mind in possession of ample amounts of grey matter made quick work of my sisters conundrum and then sat back and waited for us to call.

At this point I must shoulder some of the blame, wanting to be present when Granny Ina was told that soon she would have two grandchildren to dote over, I warned threatened and cursed Eugene if he phoned his mom before he got home as I wanted to hear.
My insistence obviously made time for this drama to unfold.
There Im sorry.

Now in the category of blaming other people for this.

Thanks to Aunty Crystal the wind was taken out of my sales when Granny Ina was called and her son announced with the eloquence and class of an elephant in a china shop that, and I quote, “Lee is op die paal”.
Her reply was that she knew and I was plagued by visions of crème Brule flopping.

Either way Granny Ina is happy
So baby is happy

Daddy also set about telling some of his close friends today.
Uncle Reinier and thus Aunty Alta apparently have visions of spoiling my rug-rat rotten
Uncle Louis must be clairvoyant because he guessed it and spoilt Eugenes Fun
Uncle Tommy said that it’s awesome (DUH) and I’m sure Aunty Adelle will agree
I also told Uncle Chris and Uncle Neil who are highly chuffed with themselves and their new titles
They do the high five thing a lot now.
Oh and Aunty Drizel has already started to answer your mommies dumb questions

All of this is starting to become real to me now as our news becomes public knowledge.
I’m starting to feel the first niggling sensations of happiness and excitement or maybe that’s morning sickness