I'm sure by the end of this post you will be good and confused and quite honestly I dont blame you. This may not make any sense to you right now but its going somewhere for me. I know its not the best written piece I have ever writen but I had to jot it down quickly before it left me.
The zoo keeper stood waiting for me on the street corner. Tapping his feet in agitation and consulting he’s wrist watch every few seconds. He’s name was William and as I inspected the short old man it became clear that he’s parents must have had a sense of humor because William had a tail.
The zoo keeper was not tall, not even by my standards, his feet were big and flat and his big ears were softened only by his unkept white beard and sulky eyes. It was apparent that while he was able to communicate quite well with any form of beast of bird humans were among his least favorite and he regarded me with an instant air of disapproval.
So perplexed was I by the impatient little man and his generally cold greeting that it escaped my attention for the moment that I had no idée where I was nor why I felt I needed to be there.
“Your late” he grumbled at me and he’s frown made his eye brows look like a large hairy worm had taken up residence across his forehead.
I must has stuttered or mumbled something as my mind reeled and searched for words to explain my utter confusion.
Just then a large orange housecat turned the corner, he sauntered in that manner that house cats do and came to sit near the zoo keeper and gave me a rather expectant look that I didn’t understand.
“well did you bring it?” the zoo keeper snapped at me.
I felt the color drain from my face and my eyes widen, “your bag girl, check your bag” he grumbled again and obviously had little sympathy for the fact that my brain had turned to pudding.
I obediently checked my bag, among the usual mess of unnecessary and arbitrary items was a large jar of peanut butter, since I could not think of any reason the zoo keeper may require the use of my lipstick or any reason why the jar was in my bag I pulled it out only then considering what reason the zoo keeper may have to require a jar of crunchy peanut butter from in such an urgent manner.
My retrieval of the mysterious jam jar had not won me any favor in the sullen eyes of the zoo keeper and he glared at me with even less affection then he had afforded me before.
“well open it!” he shrieked “or do you perhaps expect him to do it himself”
I managed “oh yes of coarse” and did not quite master a tone of comprehension while the zoo keeper grumbled “unprepared, unprepared” under his voice.
The cat still looked at me in that asking manner.
I opened the jar and laid it the cats feet presuming that the jar was the reason I was being fixed with that look.
It seemed that presumption had for the moment won through as the housecat took to the peanut butter with reverence dipping his whole paw in the jar up to his elbow and then licking it of.
He rolled on his back with enjoyment savoring every last drop.
The zoo keeper simply waited, he did not tap his big flat feet or inspect his wrist watch he simply stared into space and waited.
I on the other had tried to make sense of the strange place I had never seen before, where had I come from where we were going. I tried to explain my unique companions but nothing came to mind and since I saw no way out of where ever I was and since the zoo keeper and the cat seemed quite confident about their mission I decided to follow their lead.
The cat finished his jar of peanut butter, looking satisfied and full he dragged himself off his back and started to strut up the road in that self important way cats always seem to strut.
The zoo keeper followed plodding on on big flat feet and since it was the only avenue open to and since I hadn’t been told otherwise I followed too.
Mwaaaaahahahahaaaaa... if I hadn't read some of your writing before I might wonder if this was a pregnancy dream!
I like it.
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